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Ian Wright.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:37 pm
by carl_feedthegoat
I found this and thought it was spot on - this is in response to Wright going on and on and on about City.
By the way - Ian Wright is Banned from COMS and no City player is allowed to go on his shitty talk football show.

OK, we get it, you are not particularly fond of Manchester City, but as it would seem, they are not particularly fond of you either, because you are now banned from the stadium, and, on top of that, no one associated with the club is allowed to talk to you on your radio show. However, you can't help yourself can you? Because on Tuesday morning, reports surfaced that you, once again, had something to say about Manchester City.

“But what we saw on Saturday was an embarrassment to the manager and ultimately for the whole club.”

Is this so, Mr Wright? A substitution in the 90th minute is an embarrassment? I would actually have thought that at every chance you get to slate the club, you do, would be the bigger embarrassment.

But how did this all start? Well, we need to go all the all the way back to 2005, when your son, Shaun Wright-Phillips, left for Chelsea. Now go don't get me wrong, as much as I hated to see him leave, the club simply could not turn down that much money for one of their players, and I knew it. However, his father, you, were very instrumental in this move, and I suppose one could accept that you were only thinking of what was best for him - I guess any father would be the same.

In 2008, he returned, and the fans rejoiced. I can't remember what you thought of it all after pushing him for the move in the first place, but that is all by-the-by.

Something else happened in 2008. Remember that? ADUG arrived, and turned the sleeping, three-decade long unsuccessful giant, into a true force to be reckoned with. But that's where your real problems began, wasn't it?

Players, the likes of which the fans had only ever dreamed of, began to arrive, and the 'old guard' who were deemed not good enough were pushed aside. Your son, however, wasn't one of them, instead he was simply told to up his game and be part of history in the making.

Trouble is, he didn't quite manage it - as he good as he was (is) - and then all of a sudden, he started demanding a pay-rise, and, naturally, you joined in. Not clever. Not at all.

This was a matter for your son, his agent, and the club, but you took it upon yourself to add your voice to it all via the airwaves and the printed media. This caused extreme tension in the club, and the fans were obviously not happy about this.

But now, it seems, that at every opportunity you come across, you have those sly little digs about the club, the players, the manager, or whoever will fit your 'embarrassing' agenda. As I said at the beginning, Mr Wright, we get it, you don't like Manchester City - there are plenty of things I don't like, but I don't go on about them incessantly.

So what is your agenda? Annoy the club so much that your son has to leave? Make life as difficult for him as possible? Does Shaun not have a voice of his own? Can he not say what he thinks? This is nothing but playground antics, which I would expect from kindergarten kids, not from someone who was a true great in football.

By all means, Mr Wright, support your son, but know your boundaries. You may say that as part of today's football media, you have an obligation to speak up about certain things, but you also have an obligation towards your son, too. And if it is true that your main aim is to cause instability and remove your son from this most evil and heinous of clubs, then man-up and say so.

Yours sincerly
A Manchester City fan.

Re: Ian Wright.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:20 pm
by Scatman
the other thread is much better

Re: Ian Wright.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:28 pm
by carl_feedthegoat
Scatman wrote:the other thread is much better

was in response to this shit face.

MANCHESTER CITY have made it quite clear where I stand at the club - outside.
But while I may be on the banned list for various reasons - they won't even allow their stars to feature on my Absolute radio show - that won't stop me having my say on Carlos Tevez.

We all saw that touchline run-in with Roberto Mancini on Saturday, when Tevez left no one in any doubt over his feelings at being substituted near the end of their 1-0 win over Bolton.

After the pictures of Jerome Boateng and Mario Balotelli swapping punches on the training ground, it was the last thing they needed at Eastlands.

But while that square-up was blown out of all proportion - I can guarantee that sort of thing happens all the time at many clubs - the Tevez situation is one which does need addressing.

And I have to say I would have reacted in exactly the same way as the City skipper if I was constantly being taken off.

I see Tevez has been replaced ELEVEN times this season, nearly twice as many as the second-most subbed Premier League captain, Fulham's 33-year-old Danny Murphy.

In fact, of all players, only Bolton's Johan Elmander has failed to finish more games than Carlos, so of course he must be wondering what's going on. He's not the only one.

There's no doubt Tevez is City's talisman.

Take him out of their forward line and I certainly don't fear them, so I just can't understand why Mancini keeps replacing him.

Against Bolton, for example, they were only one up and a man down. Tevez certainly didn't look shattered, for all the running he does.

It's even more surprising when you consider he's suspended for their next match, while they're sure to play a weakened side for the last Europa League group game at Juventus as they are already through.

Tevez is vital to all City want to achieve but, if he keeps getting hooked, the fans are going to ask why and think he's going to want to leave.

We're not in an age where players are taken off and say a big thanks to the manager for giving them a chance to be on the pitch in the first place.

Certainly no one could ever question Tevez's contribution at City - you couldn't name a player who's given more to the cause. But what we saw on Saturday was an embarrassment to the manager and ultimately for the whole club.

There's no doubt that, despite what Mancini is suggesting, City ARE genuine contenders for the title this season.

I think he was trying to take pressure off everyone by insisting they are chasing a Champions League place and no more. That's ridiculous when you look at the talent in his squad.

If I was a fan I'd expect City to be right up there this season - and let's face it, the way the season's gone, this is a great chance for them.

Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United have all dropped points no one really expected, while City are just three points off the top.

Mancini should be talking like Harry Redknapp, who said recently that Spurs should be up there because of the way the season is developing, and that should definitely be the case at City, too. But everyone needs to be focused and pulling in the same direction, whether they are the best of mates or not.

You take any workplace anywhere in the country and you'll find people who don't necessarily get on. Football's most famous example is Teddy Sheringham and Andy Cole, who didn't speak for years, but it didn't stop them helping Manchester United rack up the trophies.

City have got an amazing crop of players there right now, from top to bottom. England's No 1 keeper, a solid defence, a midfield which cost more than any other and Tevez leading them all from up front.


Somewhere along the line Mancini and his coaching staff need to have a word, because you don't want any unhappiness or disharmony festering behind the scenes.

It doesn't matter whether you're going for the title, fighting relegation or stuck in mid-table - you want a united camp.

I think some people are still coming to terms with the fact that everything City do nowadays is highlighted, it's big news.

Throw in strong characters with the odd suspect temperament along the way, and things will boil over occasionally. But you have to address it before it becomes a real problem, and Tevez is the most crucial part of the jigsaw.

If they get things right off the field, there's no doubt they will be right in the mix come May.

If they don't - especially with the captain - then they could end up looking back on this season as the one that got away.

Re: Ian Wright.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:30 pm
by shawzy
Brilliant...Whoever wrote this.Well in m8.

Re: Ian Wright.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:40 pm
by Beefymcfc
Read the original article today and didn't really have too much to argue about it. However, Mr Wright has become a right cunt who seems to be having a pop whenever he can, and all this while his son plays for our club? What's his motive though 'cos as far as I see it he isn't helping Shaun but trying to further his own career - so much for being a caring parent, eh?

NB. I think Mr Wright was one of those feeding the reports of unrest within the dressing room after Shaun unwittingly trusted his dad, and one of the reason's he has now been banned, in all area's.

Re: Ian Wright.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:00 pm
by Blue Since 76
City IS Mr Wright, City is.

Rest of the article was reasonable, apart from the embarrassment line. All the media seem to be going for this and I don't really understand why. At the time, my thought was that he'd left Mario on as he'd a bit quicker and could therefore stop Bolton pushing up too far. However, Mancini explained after the game that it was about height. I can understand Tevez being annoyed at the time, in the heat of the moment and it shows he cares about winning, but I'm sure he understands now and, more importantly, it worked, as we kept a clean sheet.

Re: Ian Wright.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:15 pm
i dont think it was embarrassing as much as mr wright leaning out of a window at highbury calling arsenal fans every name under the sun, piss off and leave our club alone tosser