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Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:28 pm
by Breks
trout man wrote:I think Breks you are having a bit of a breakdown mate. I can't honestly believe that the vitriol you have spouted in this thread is a windup as it ain't remotely funny and I can't for one minute believe anyone on here would be as warped as your views convey. Take a deep breath, get some help and try a bit of mindfulness, works wonders. Good luck with the therapy.

Did therapy work for you?

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:20 pm
by Im_Spartacus
I'm in the middle east........but am going to my first City game in over a year at the Nou I a glory hunter?

Your judgement means the world to me

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:26 pm
by Hutch's Shoulder
I have been thinking about this (a mistake I know) and come to the conclusion that a Glory Hunter is defined not by when he or she became a City fan, but by his/her reaction to losing. The people who annoy me are those who think the whole structure and personnel of the club need changing whenever we lose. New fans who can deal with defeat like a veteran should be made welcome.

I hope this does not set off another slanging match, it is not intended to.

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:31 pm
by carl_feedthegoat
Hutch's Shoulder wrote:I have been thinking about this (a mistake I know) and come to the conclusion that a Glory Hunter is defined not by when he or she became a City fan, but by his/her reaction to losing. The people who annoy me are those who think the whole structure and personnel of the club need changing whenever we lose. New fans who can deal with defeat like a veteran should be made welcome.

I hope this does not set off another slanging match, it is not intended to.

I go radio rental whenever we lose...even back in the 80,s I used to cry.

I now just spit at the plasma when things dont go our way.

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:34 pm
by Im_Spartacus
Hutch's Shoulder wrote:I have been thinking about this (a mistake I know) and come to the conclusion that a Glory Hunter is defined not by when he or she became a City fan, but by his/her reaction to losing. The people who annoy me are those who think the whole structure and personnel of the club need changing whenever we lose. New fans who can deal with defeat like a veteran should be made welcome.

I hope this does not set off another slanging match, it is not intended to.

Dunno, some people just feel the need to vent at times. The emotion is part of what makes the game great, the different emotions two people can feel is the same reason why some though Mancini was a bit of a cunt and some could see him do no wrong.

In business, it's often the fear of failure and the desire to put it right that drives organizations on to greater success and football is little different. Those businesses who manage a calm, rational response to setbacks are generally (but not always) more successful than those who make a knee jerk reaction, and its because its not always the rational response that is best, that you shouldn't just dismiss someone's opinion because it is in the heat of the moment - the underlying sentiment of a rant may be perfectly right.

For me, a glory hunter is purely and simply a Johnny-come-lately, who has had several other loves and will have several in the future.

But as a slight exception, those who sign up to a city forum are unlikely to be glory hunters, because their interest in the club runs more deep and therefore I'd argue that nobody on these pages can be a glory hunter simply because they engage in more than just basking in the glory of results.

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:34 pm
by Hutch's Shoulder
carl_feedthegoat wrote: I go radio rental whenever we lose...even back in the 80,s I used to cry. I now just spit at the plasma when things dont go our way.

Yes that's reasonable; it's the 'sack the board' stuff that gets I my Goater; that should only be used once a decade.

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:31 pm
by trout man
Breks wrote:
trout man wrote:I think Breks you are having a bit of a breakdown mate. I can't honestly believe that the vitriol you have spouted in this thread is a windup as it ain't remotely funny and I can't for one minute believe anyone on here would be as warped as your views convey. Take a deep breath, get some help and try a bit of mindfulness, works wonders. Good luck with the therapy.

Did therapy work for you?

We all need a bit if therapy from time to time, sometimes a good mate is enough and other times it needs a bit more focus. You just seem really pissed off to the point where it is coming across as being angry in the extreme. I know that feeling and it's a shit existence.

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:39 pm
by trout man
Breks wrote:

I've supported City properly since 1996. I would love us to win the league cup.

You've only supported City since Swales died? Gloryhunter! ;-)


Just realised Ruralblue, it was you who pushed him over the edge in a previous thread, my god man, were you out of your Vulcan mind? I hope you are proud of what you have created/destroyed

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:16 pm
by Original Dub
trout man wrote:
We all need a bit if therapy from time to time, sometimes a good mate is enough and other times it needs a bit more focus. You just seem really pissed off to the point where it is coming across as being angry in the extreme. I know that feeling and it's a shit existence.

Hear hear

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:12 pm
by gillie
I'm a glory hunter these days as I go when I can afford it ie: The cup match versus Watford myself and my youngest son went for 20 quid ticket cost and about 20 drinks and a programme.Oh but I forgot to mention the thousands I have spent over the years when we were shit following City.In short glory hunters are going to fill the stadium in the coming years a fact we have to get used to.

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:15 pm
by Breks
gillie wrote:I'm a glory hunter these days as I go when I can afford it ie: The cup match versus Watford myself and my youngest son went for 20 quid ticket cost and about 20 drinks and a programme.Oh but I forgot to mention the thousands I have spent over the years when we were shit following City.In short glory hunters are going to fill the stadium in the coming years a fact we have to get used to.

By your own admission your not the type of glory hunter I'm referring to.

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:35 am
by Jorgobot
Oh so xenophobia is alright but not homophobia?

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:48 am
by Slim
Jorgobot wrote:Oh so xenophobia is alright but not homophobia?


Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:26 am
by Tony P
Rather a glory supporter than an internet troll. Hashtag just sayin'

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:42 am
by Sister of fu
Hutch's Shoulder wrote:
carl_feedthegoat wrote: I go radio rental whenever we lose...even back in the 80,s I used to cry. I now just spit at the plasma when things dont go our way.

Yes that's reasonable; it's the 'sack the board' stuff that gets I my Goater; that should only be used once a decade.

Is it sad that city losing can have a significant bearing on my week or day, it can affect sleep and what I may eat. I can recall being spoken to by a red after the carling cup semi loss a few seasons ago and he said to me that I looked like someone had died in my family, he then said he didn't have the heart to to throw some banter my way. I hope I'm not alone in feeling this way.

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:04 am
by AG7
Sister of fu wrote: Is it sad that city losing can have a significant bearing on my week or day, it can affect sleep and what I may eat. I can recall being spoken to by a red after the carling cup semi loss a few seasons ago and he said to me that I looked like someone had died in my family, he then said he didn't have the heart to to throw some banter my way. I hope I'm not alone in feeling this way.

My week's been shit ... all of the above sis and a few more ... stupid thing with me is I can't work or do anything (concentration lapse) the whole of next day or two even ... and that screws up my whole week ...

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:32 am
by sidSmith
Wow. Entertaining enough on a lazy Saturday morning. Interesting topic too considering we generally field 1 English player in Hart.

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:37 am
by AG7
sidSmith wrote:Wow. Entertaining enough on a lazy Saturday morning. Interesting topic too considering we generally field 1 English player in Hart.

... and are managed by a South American at first team level, by a French at kids level, owned by Arabs, run by Spaniards ... but if fans come from India, China or London ... oh, no, they've got to be Mancs only and should have supported the club for at least 20 years to qualify in some one's eyes ... oh, wait didn't he himself say he's been supporting City from 1996 in another thread? so let's revise that 20 year criteria to say 18 ...

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:42 am
by sidSmith
AG7 wrote: ... and are managed by a South American at first team level, by a French at kids level, owned by Arabs, run by Spaniards ... but if fans come from India, China or London ... oh, no, they've got to be Mancs only and should have supported the club for at least 20 years to qualify in some one's eyes ... oh, wait didn't he himself say he's been supporting City from 1996 in another thread? so let's revise that 20 year criteria to say 18 ...

You're talking bollocks, the troll isn't a day over 13...

Re: Glory Hunters

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:45 am
by Arjan Van Schotte
Those foreigners weren't mocking the songs Breks, they were mocking you. Even a thick danny dago can spot an unitentionally hilarious bellend when they see one.